Ecclesiastes 6 GW
Ecclesiastes Chapter 6 GW Bible Verse Images
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Bible verse pictures were created based on verses from GOD’S WORD® Translation (GW). Images were generated with permission from God’s Word to the Nations Mission Society.
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Terms of Use: All Scripture marked with the designation “GW” is taken from GOD’S WORD®.
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There is a tragedy that I have seen under the sun. It is a terrible one for mortals.
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God gives one person riches, wealth, and honor so that he doesn’t lack anything he wants. Yet, God doesn’t give him the power to enjoy any of them. Instead, a stranger enjoys them. This is pointless and is a painful tragedy.
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Suppose a rich person wasn’t satisfied with good things while he was alive and didn’t even get an honorable burial after he died. Suppose he had a hundred children and lived for many years. No matter how long he would have lived, it still would have been better for him to have been born dead.
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A stillborn baby arrives in a pointless birth and goes out into the darkness. The darkness then hides its name.
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Though it has never seen the sun or known anything, the baby finds more rest than the rich person.
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Even if the rich person lives two thousand years without experiencing anything good—don’t we all go to the same place?
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Everything that people work so hard for goes into their mouths, but their appetite is never satisfied.
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What advantage does a wise person have over a fool? What advantage does a poor person have in knowing how to face life?
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It is better to look at what is in front of you than to go looking for what you want. Even this is pointless. It’s like trying to catch the wind.
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Whatever has happened in the past already has a name. Mortals are already known for what they are. Mortals cannot argue with the one who is stronger than they.
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The more words there are, the more pointless they become. What advantage do mortals gain from this?
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Who knows what may be good for mortals while they are alive, during the brief, pointless days they live? Mortals pass by like a shadow. Who will tell them about their future under the sun?
Available Bible Translations
Ecclesiastes 6 (ASV) »
Ecclesiastes 6 (KJV) »
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பிரசங்கி 6 (TAMIRV) »
उपदेशक 6 (MARIRV) »
ప్రసంగి 6 (TELIRV) »
સભાશિક્ષક 6 (GUJIRV) »
ಪ್ರಸಂಗಿ 6 (KANIRV) »
اَلْجَامِعَةِ 6 (AVD) »
קהלת 6 (HEB) »
Eclesiastes 6 (BSL) »
Giảng Sư 6 (VIE) »
Eclesiastés 6 (RVA) »
Ecclesiaste 6 (RIV) »
传 道 书 6 (CUVS) »
傳 道 書 6 (CUVT) »
Predikuesi 6 (ALB) »
Predikaren 6 (SV1917) »
Екклесиаст 6 (RUSV) »
Екклезіяст 6 (UKR) »
Prédikátor 6 (KAR) »
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伝道の書 6 (JPN) »
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