Maahmaahyadii 9 SOM
Maahmaahyadii Chapter 9 SOM Bible Verse Images
Copyright © 1979, 2008 Society for International Ministries -- Kenya
Language: Somali
Translation by: SIM International
Somali, Kitaablka Quduuska Ah - This translation, published by the SIM, was published in 2008. If you are interested in obtaining a printed copy, please contact the SIM at PO Box 72983, Nairobi, Kenya. This translation text is made available to you under the terms of the Creative Commons License: Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works. ( In addition, you have permission to port the text to different file formats, as long as you do not change any of the text or punctuation of the Bible.
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- You do not make any derivative works that change any of the actual words or punctuation of the Scriptures.
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This translation is made available to you under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivatives license 4.0. You may share and redistribute this Bible translation or extracts from it in any format, provided that:
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- You do not change any of the words or punctuation of the Scriptures
Credits: In addition, we would like to give very special thanks to for making Holy Bible in the Somali language available in MySQL format.
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Xigmaddu gurigeeday dhisatay, Toddobadeedii tiirna way xaradhay.
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Neefafkeedii ayay qashay, oo waxay isku dartay khamrigeedii; Miiskeediina way diyaarisay.
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Oo gabdhaheedii midiidinnada ahaa ayay dirtay, oo waxay ka qaylinaysaa Magaalada meelaha ugu sarreeya, iyadoo leh,
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Ku alla kii garaaddaranu, halkan ha u soo leexdo. Oo kii waxgarasho u baahanna waxay ku leedahay,
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Kaalaya oo kibistayda wax ka cuna, Oo khamriga aan isku darayna wax ka cabba.
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Garaadlaawayaashow, nacasnimada iska daaya, oo noolaada, Oo jidka waxgarashadana mara.
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Kii mid wax quudhsada toosiyaa, cay buu isu soo jiidaa, Oo kii kan sharka leh canaantana, ceeb baa ku dhacda.
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Mid wax quudhsada ha canaanan, waaba intaas oo uu ku necbaadaaye, Nin caqli leh canaano, oo isna wuu ku jeclaan doonaa.
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Nin caqli leh wax bar, oo isna caqli wuu sii yeelan doonaa. Nin xaq ah wax bar, oo isna waxbarasho wuu sii korodhsan doonaa.
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Rabbiga in laga cabsado waa xigmadda bilowgeeda, Oo Kan quduuska ah in la aqoonsadona waa waxgarasho.
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Waayo, maalmahaagu anigay igu badan doonaan, Oo cimrigaaguna waa sii kordhi doonaa.
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Haddaad caqli leedahay naftaadaad caqli u leedahay, Laakiinse haddaad wax quudhsato, adiga uun baa waxquudhsashadaada xambaaran doona.
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Naagta nacasadda ahu waa qaylo badan tahay, Iyadu way garaaddaran tahay, oo waxba ma taqaan.
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Waayo, waxay fadhiisataa illinka gurigeeda, Oo kursi bay ku fadhiisataa meelaha sarsare ee magaalada,
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Inay u yeedho kuwa jidka maraya, Iyagoo jidadkooda iska sii soconaya,
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Ku alla kii garaaddaranu halkan ha u soo leexdo, Oo kii waxgarasho u baahanna waxay ku leedahay,
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Biyo la soo xaday way macaan yihiin. Oo cunto qarsoodi loo cunaana wax bay ka farxisaa.
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Laakiinse isagu garan maayo in kuwii dhintay ay halkaas joogaan, Iyo in martideedii ay She'ool guntiisa ku jiraan.
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